Gallery Antics from around Proverbs Cats Cattery Here you will see pictures from around Proverbs Cats Cattery featuring our Siamese & Balinese Cat and Kittens. Balinese Kitten from Favor and Thai-Rone Balinese Kitten from Favor and Thai-Rone Grace Such a good mommy Favor’s Triplets January 2022 Litter Cyan Favor Grace Beautiful Balinese from Favor Lilac Point Siamese Favor and Grace Favor Favor and Grace Favor Favor and Grace Grace Grace Favor Grace Anastasia, Daughter of Seal’d with a Kiss aka Thai-rone Danu, 12 wk old Balinese Naturally Beautiful Grace Favor Balinese Kitten from Favor and Thai-Rone Grace A trip to the Vet Favor Grace Favor Seal’d with a Kiss (aka Thai-rone) & Highly Favored Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!Psalm 150:6