Gallery Antics from around Proverbs Cats Cattery Here you will see pictures from around Proverbs Cats Cattery featuring our Siamese & Balinese Cat and Kittens. Seal’d with a Kiss (aka Thai-rone) & Highly Favored Favor Grace Favor Favor Balinese Kitten from Favor and Thai-Rone Grace Grace Beautiful Balinese from Favor Favor Favor and Grace Grace Cyan Grace Such a good mommy Balinese Kitten from Favor and Thai-Rone Lilac Point Siamese Favor’s Triplets January 2022 Litter Grace Favor Anastasia, Daughter of Seal’d with a Kiss aka Thai-rone Favor A trip to the Vet Danu, 12 wk old Balinese Balinese Kitten from Favor and Thai-Rone Grace Favor and Grace Grace Favor Favor and Grace Naturally Beautiful Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!Psalm 150:6